More Nutritional Benefits Of Honey Are Continuously Being Discovered

By Leanne Goff

A pleasing taste is not where the nutritional benefits of honey end. Unfortunately, numerous individuals do not realize just how much this tasty condiment can benefit their health. Of course, it should be used in moderation, similar to any sweet food. However, when used appropriately, it provides numerous health advantages to many people.

Conventional sources frequently claim that honey is just sugar. However, this statement is not accurate. There is much more to honeycomb then one may originally think, as it has unique properties not found in processed sugar. This is due to the fact that the bees responsible for the substance enhance it during its production. For this reason, dissimilar to refined white sugar, it has additional qualities, many of which are advantageous to humans.

One example of the many advantages of the aforementioned substance is its anti-bacterial and antiviral qualities. The ingredient responsible for this effect is referred to as methylglyoxal. This substance was scientifically proven to combat both viral and bacterial germs. Therefore, having that traditional cup of honey flavored tea when one is suffering from colds or other sicknesses that commonly attack during winter is a good way to enhance recovery time.

Certain types of the aforementioned substance can also be used as an antiseptic. This is particularly true with regard to the Manuka variety. The latter is harvested from honeycombs built in shrubs bearing the same name. This type of honeycomb can be placed directly on a wound without the risk of infection. It can also be used to great advantage to soothe burns.

Even though water and carbohydrates primarily make up honeycomb, the latter also contains a vast array of minerals and vitamins. These include copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and zinc. It also boasts high amounts of vitamins B3, B5, and B2. In addition, it contains generous levels of antioxidants, especially flavanoids, which are the antioxidants that are found in fresh produce.

Research is now being completed to find out whether or not honeycomb has a positive effect on the human immune system. Preliminary studies have shown that this may be the case. In areas where the substance is regularly used, individuals may be more resistant to illness and have sturdier immune systems.

The substances found in natural honeycomb may also offer advantages to individuals afflicted with diabetes. Research recently completed shows that in its raw variety, the substance may lessen the plasma glucose count in one's blood, and balance homocysteine levels in both diabetics and healthy individuals. However, these findings must be confirmed with further studies.

Because of the many nutritional benefits of honey, numerous health-conscious individuals have chosen to add the substance to their diet. Organic varieties are the best choice for such individuals, and they can be purchased online or in traditional health food stores. When making a purchase via the Internet, however, it is important to carefully research the website where the transaction will be made prior to entering credit card numbers or other personal information. Finally, it is always wise to discuss any dietary changes with one's primary health care practitioner.

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