Traits of a control freak

By Kit Karson

If you are in a relationship with a control freak you are not alone. There are literally millions of women in this situation. It can be degrading, depressing and leads to a poor self esteem. This type of behavior can end up being life damaging.

People stay in abusive relationships for several reasons. The number one reason is that frequently, he has control of the money; his and hers. Often she does not work, or if she does, the wages won't support her. This leaves her feeling powerless.

Controlling behavior can have all kinds of small things hidden behind the scenes. As the relationship begins, it seems as though you can talk forever and the sex is awesome. But, as the infatuation stage dies down, the controlling behavior takes over in bits and pieces until you wonder what you were attracted to in the first place. Just know that they aren't going to stop - it will get worse.

He was overly protective from the start of the relationship. Being protective of another person in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. But, when his overly protective side comes out if you are "caught" talking to an old male friend or co-worker and he suddenly gets angry, this should bring out all of the stop signs in you like crazy.

When a relationship is new, it is easy to "forgive" bad behavior and make excuses to others for it. This can range from caustic remarks, to put-downs, to immensely selfish behavior. Controllers must always be in charge and it is not so obvious in the beginning of the relationship.

Some controlling behaviors are:

- They call or text you multiple times a day

- They are overly possesive

- They find fault with your family

The controller is always right and cannot take any responsibility for his behavior. He tends to put the blame on you for everything that happens, even when he knows it is his fault. This causes you to tip-toe around so that you don't get him riled up because that always means trouble and can ruin your day.

We have all run into the control freak, but most of us can spot it right away; usually the minute they let you know how wrong you are in conversation. Fully functioning adults don't hang out with people who try to bring them down in any way. Experience has taught them it never, ever works out well.

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