Dentists Administering Dermal Fillers

By Cleah Sphan

All over the planet, many cosmetic procedures making use of dermal fillers happen every day. There are strict rules that govern the use of these compounds, and regarding who is qualified to administer the treatments, and the level of training necessary to do so. These treatments were done strictly by plastic surgeons and dermatologists in the past, but the guidelines have been restructured as of late. Dentists have also been licensed to deliver dermal fillers in certain states in America, in order to treat certain kinds of conditions.

Here we will examine what is involved for dentists who are licensed to treat patients using dermal fillers.

Some brief information on dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers are primarily composed of hyaluronic acid which is a natural component of skin. As we age, the amount of hyaluronic acid within the skin reduces significantly causing lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are extremely helpful in restoring normal skin appearance by getting rid of these lines and wrinkles. The lips are another area where these fillers can be used, as lips can be enhanced this way.

Dermal fillers and Dentists

There has been a fair bit of controversy regarding whether or not dentists should in fact be injecting dermal fillers into patients. Some say that dentists do not have the required training regarding facial anatomy, as they deal with the oral cavity mostly during their procedures. During dentistry training, the facial muscles are studied in great detail, so dentists will argue that they are more than qualified in the anatomy of the face.

Recently, the California dental board approved the prescription and administration of dermal fillers by dentists. Dentists have welcomed this decision suggesting that it is well within the scope of dental practice to provide dermal fillers to patients. Dermal fillers can only be administered for therapeutic purposes, as the board has stipulations on which specific conditions can be treated with this method. The dentist must also take the necessary training in order to administer the treatments.

The guidelines vary between states. Dentists are only allowed to use dermal filler injections for dental reasons after a training program that lasts 21 hours, in the state of Georgia, according to the Georgia Dental Association.


After performing an extensive review of the dental boards in most other states in the United States, it appears that many states now allow dentists to perform dermal filler procedures as long as it is related to or required for a dental therapeutic purpose. Issues that are not directly related to dentistry, or for other cosmetic purposes may not be treated using dermal filler injections by dentists, laws could be broken if this is ignored. It is essential that every dentist check with the local state board to see if they would be allowed to inject dermal fillers should do receive the right training.


Dentistry has advanced significantly over the years and so has cosmetic surgery. In many cases, dentists can be certified to administer treatments using dermal filler injections if it is for reasons related to dentistry, but they are not allowed to perform the procedure for cosmetic reasons at this time. It looks as if dentists may be able to administer cosmetic related dermal filler treatments in the near future, but local state boards should be consulted by dentists who wish to treat patients using these methods.

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