How To Help Kids Overcome Their Fear Of The Dentists

By Sonya Riley

Parents are the ones who should encourage their kids to go to a dental clinic. This is the best way to secure that their oral health is in good condition, after all. However, there are those kids who are afraid of getting close to the Winnipeg dentists. If this is the case, here are some of the tips that should allow them to overcome their fear.

It should be a given for the parent to integrate dental clinic visits to their child's yearly routine while the latter is still young. If one can start this when the child is at an early stage, this should prevent them from getting scared of going for a dental clinic visit. Go for this, regardless of whether this is for an emergency or periodic preventive visit.

If the person is asked to explain to the child about this place, the treatment, or the visit, it is only natural to keep things as simple as possible. The children usually asks for explanation about the visit when they are going for the first-time. If the person gives out a lot of details about it, this might end up confusing the child a lot.

Be sure to watch the words one uses when speaking to the kids about the visit. It is more appropriate to just leave the explanation of the treatment or the visit to the dental staff. They should be more aware of the vocabulary to use when introducing a treatment or for the first-time visit to the kids. They are more knowledgeable in this, after all.

Playing a pretend visit game with the child is quite helpful. The parent can act as the dentist while the child act as the patient. It can be vice versa, though. Using a toothbrush for this should be enough. Of course, it is suggested that one avoids using words that instill fear nor line up dental instruments.

Do not bring the child to an adult dental visit. Even if the person has good intentions in bringing the child into the said visit, this might have an opposite effect. There are parents who get anxious about their own clinical visit too. When they are anxious, the child will feel their fear and might also end up getting scared.

During a visit, it is only natural that the child will fuss a lot. The child might end up whining a lot, crying, wiggling about, and even rejecting their examination. In such situations, what the person do is to stay as calm as possible. The dentist and dental staff are used to such situations and they know what to do.

Do not use bribery. This means that one should not promise the kids any special treat if they behave well at the dental clinic. If the do this, they will just increase apprehension. They end up thinking about what is so bad about going to the dentist that will make them cry.

There is a need to emphasize the importance of following a good oral hygiene plan. If they can have this, then they have a higher chance of eliminating and preventing various dental problems. Be sure to explain why this is very important. If one cannot do a good job with this, just rely on Winnipeg dentists to do the explanation.

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