Increase Your Knowledge About Spirometer

By Marsha Klein

Medicine has become a major part of modern life. Without the aid of modern medicine we would not be able to fight the life threatening diseases that exist today. But even with the aid of modern medicine man would be helpless if he was not able to diagnose the health problems that are affecting them. We can keep track of our lung capacity and functioning with the aid of any spirometer.

Talking about this kind of device does not limit us to just a single kind of machine. There are many different kinds of this machine that can help measure your lung functioning. A few of the devices require the patient to breathe in controlled environment. But the Pneumotachometer does not have such requirements. You can use this device anywhere you want, so it is an easily portable device.

There are times where testing the patient in a controlled environment is necessary. For such a case the plethysmograph is the best device. This device is mounted in a glass chamber, roughly the size of a telephone booth. The patient is allowed to breathe air from the device and is supposed to exhale into the device. This offers the doctors with a very accurate reading.

The electronic version device does not require moving parts or meshes. The device measures the speed of air flow. Using ultrasonic transducers or by measuring pressure change the machine can offer accurate measurements.

One variety of this device, the incentive spirometers, not just measures but also helps recover. The device can be used on any recovering patient whose lung power needs to be improved. Essentially after being blown into, the device releases a backflow that helps open the lung alveoli.

Another device which is known as the peak flow device helps measure airflow. The machine is popular since the device is a hand held device. The air flow can be measured to ensure whether there is any obstruction in the lung or not. If there is any blockage then this is the best device that can be used to understand any such problems.

The wind mill or spiropet is another kind of the device that can help measure lung capacity and air flow. The machine does not use any kind of fluid to make the measurements. There is a rotating disc; this is why the equipment must be layed flat to get the correct measurements. If the device is held in any other way then the vital capacity might be measured incorrect thus making the device useless.

The tilt type is another type of spirometer that can help you to get correct measurements. If the angle the device is held in is incorrect then the device can give you incorrect readings. There are some varieties that can easily be used to measure lung capacity on the go. So, you can use the devices without expert supervision.

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