Sleep Apnea Centers Offer Help To Patients

By Rhea Solomon

Sleep apnea is a disorder with potentially serious consequences. It causes a person to experience interrupted breathing while he or she is asleep. Those with this disorder often stop breathing continuously throughout the night. Certain individuals who have participated in studies at sleep apnea centers have found that they unknowingly stopped breathing hundreds of times in an eight hour period. Fortunately, treatments are available for this disorder.

There are two kinds of the disorder, which are referred to as central or obstructive. The latter is the more common, but both have detrimental side effects. The obstructive form of the disorder is characterized by partial or complete blockage in the person's upper airway. Breathing typically resumes with a jerk of one's body or a loud gasping sound. This type of sleep apnea can be the result of various factors, such as obesity, allergies, asthma, a deviated septum, cardiac disease, poor positioning while sleeping, or pulmonary disorders.

Those suffering from central sleep apnea do not have obstructions, but rather they are experiencing a problem in their central nervous system. Their brains do not send the appropriate signals to their muscles, and therefore their respiratory systems do not properly function during the night. It is not yet known why the central nervous system malfunctions this way in some individuals.

Interestingly, statistics show that there are more male patients in this category than there are females. One in every ten women are afflicted with the disorder, while as many as one in four males suffer from the condition. Scientists have not yet determined why this is the case. The condition is especially common in obese persons, and does not typically manifest until one is over the age of forty.

The symptoms of this condition are typically noticed by other members of the household before the patient himself or herself realizes that the disorder is present. Loud snoring is one of the most common signs of the condition. Couples often report that the partner who is suffering from the condition jolts awake many times throughout the night, even though he or she may be unaware of the fact that this is occurring.

There are many devices that can be used by those who suffer from this disorder in order to ensure a good night's sleep. These include BPAP masks and similar devices that help to keep the airway clear and opened when one is asleep. However, it is important to seek medical evaluation before using such equipment to treat the condition.

In some instances, the soft palate can be trimmed or other procedures can be completed to decrease the individual's symptoms. Whether or not these procedures are an option will depend on the person's overall health and the type of the condition from which he or she suffers. Simpler treatments include sleeping in a position that promotes good breathing and losing excess weight.

Heart rhythm irregularities and lack of oxygen to the organs are two of the most serious side effects of sleep apnea. For this reason, seeking help at sleep apnea centers is a wise course of action. Anyone who feels he or she may be suffering from this disorder should schedule an appointment with a licensed health care practitioner without delay.

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