Little Know Secrets When It Comes To The Best Exfoliator.

By Zulema Gelman

Exfoliating is a treatment where the dead cells on the surface of the skin are removed by abrading it with a sponge. You can exfoliate any area of your skin. When you exfoliate your skin, be sure to choose a product that is suitable to the condition of your face.

Luckily, one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to promote healthy, younger looking skin is exfoliate. That's right. You can spend hundreds of dollars on fancy bottles of serum or you can try simple exfoliating techniques. I challenge you to give it a try. Whether you have never tried it or you have been exfoliating for years, it's good to understand how and why exfoliating benefits your skin.

Normally, your skin replaces the dead cells with new cells every month. However, you can speed up the process by sloughing off old, dead cells. If the old, dead cells are not removed, it will block the sebaceous spores and developed blackheads.

So what exactly is exfoliation?

"Exfoliation involves the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface, and has been used for many years to help maintain the skin. Exfoliation is involved in the process of a facial and during body treatments at spas. Exfoliation can be achieved through mechanical or chemical means". Wikipedia.

Simply put, mechanical exfoliation is when you physically scrub your skin with some sort of abrasive (be it crushed apricot kernel, sugar, salt etc.). Applying this technique on the face should be very gentle- make sure not to scratch, but rather use soft circular movements rubbing the exfoliant until it dissolves.

Mechanical exfoliator is available in different varieties to suit different kinds of skin including, normal, oily, and dry skin. Popular varieties of mechanical exfoliator brands contains small crystalline particles is called microdermabrasion exfoliators.

Exfoliation Improves Circulation - Particularly for the lower body, a routine body exfoliating scrub can improve circulation and blood flow. There is even evidence to support the idea that a good exfoliation stimulates the lymphatic system.

Another type of exfoliator is the enzymatic exfoliator. Enzymatic exfoliator contains enzymes that will help to remove dead skin cells. Enzymatic exfoliator is suitable for dry, and thin skins as well as skins that suffered from acne. Enzymatic exfoliator is a handy exfoliator if your skin is not allergic to the type of enzyme used in the ingredient of the product.

There are different types of skin that need different types of care. Good news is there are different types of scrubs that would come at your skin's service, whether it is oily or dry, normal or sensitive. Scrubs can be cream- based, gel-based or clay- based. Cream- based exfoliators are best for dry and sensitive skin, whereas oily skins will best benefit from the clay- based scrubs - this kind of exfoliators will help minimize the pores and reduce the shine. Gel- based exfoliators are more universal and would suit every skin type.

Nota bene! for those of you who have a very problematic skin with acne: some say you should be careful with mechanical exfoliation, because there is a possibility you might spread "the dirt" all over your face when scrubbing, what would, of course, only worsen your condition.

A lot of things also depend on scrub beads that are a very important part of exfoliating products. They define how and for what you should use them. For example, scrubs with sea salt are great at polishing the skin; scrubs with plastic beads massage the skin and make it more elastic. Scrubs with crushed almond shells are more dangerous, because they have sharp edges. But they are suitable for those who have an oily skin, because they provide a deeper peeling. Now, I would like to talk a little about those products that contain little plastic particles. Please, be aware that while we are enjoying the smoothing benefits of those products, ocean creatures DO NOT.

Scrub the exfoliating cleanser on your skin in a circular motion. Be sure to be gentle in areas such as the neck and thigh. When you are done, rinse your skin thoroughly with clean water. If you have dry skin, you should follow up with a moisturizer because exfoliating will make your skin drier.

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