Pregnancy Exercise

By Joseph Jacob

Pregnancy can sap your energy, but regular bouts of exercise will help you get through your day. And the good news is that you can safely start an exercise program during pregnancy even if you've been an avid couch potato until now.

Who Should Not Exercise During Pregnancy?

When you have a medical dilemma, such as bronchial asthma, heart sickness, or diabetic issues, physical exercise may not be recommended. Physical exercise may be harmful also if you have a pregnancy-related problem such as:

* Bleeding or spotting

* Low placenta

* Threatened or recurrent miscarriage

* Previous untimely births or history of early labor

* Weak cervix

Talk with your health care provider before beginning an exercise program. Your health care provider can also give you personal exercise guidelines, based on your medical history. Also you can look at advice of experts on the internet for other baby stuff.

Benefits of Training during pregnancy

Little doubt about this, workout can be a massive booster for both you and your infant.

* Feel better. Workout can raise feelings of control and improve your energy. Not just will it cause you to feel much better by releasing endorphins (chemical compound of your brain), a proper workout can:

-relieve backaches and improve your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt, and thighs

-reduce constipation by accelerating movement in your intestine

- prevents wear and tear on the joints (which in turn is loosened during pregnancy due to regular hormonal variations) by activating the lubricating fluid inside your joints

-help you sleep better by relieving the stress and anxiety that might make you restless at night

-makes you look better. Exercise boosts the blood flow to your pores, giving you a glow.

* prepare you and your body for birth. Strong muscles and a fit heart can greatly ease labor and delivery.. And in the event of a lengthy labor, increased endurance can be a real help.

* regain your pre-pregnancy body more quickly.

Even though the research is inconclusive on the extra benefits of physical exercise during pregnancy, some scientific studies have revealed that training during pregnancy may possibly even reduce a woman's threat of problems, like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

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