7 Unique Ways to Naturally Stop Snoring

By Sam Kappel

Around 45% of adults snore and about 75% of them suffer from sleep apnea. If you are one of them, try these simple techniques to naturally stop snoring. Also, your sleep partner may also appreciate it. Sleep apnea can turn dangerous and even life threatening if it is not treated.

Snoring occurs when the tongue and tissues of the mouth block the airway. These tissues over relax to the point where they fall into the back of the throat. The sound of snoring is when air is trying to pass through the blockage and causes the tissues to vibrate. It's not that uncommon for a person snoring to stop breathing several times while sleeping. The 7 techniques below may help with snoring and sleep apnea.

1.) Stop drinking alcohol or using sedatives a few hours before bed. These cause the muscles to relax and that includes the tongue and tissues of the mouth.

2.) Losing weight is probably one of the biggest and best ways to naturally stop snoring and sleep apnea. First of all, weight gain is one of the bigger causes for sleep apnea and snoring. Excess weight around the neck presses on the airway and constricts it. This makes it easier for the airway to become blocked.

3.) Practice special throat, mouth and tongue exercises for sleep apnea and snoring. These simple exercises help strengthen the tongue and tissues of the mouth. Strengthening these tissues makes it harder for them to over relax and fall into the airway.

4.) Stay away from alcohol a couple hours before bed. Alcohol helps over relax the body. This also causes the tongue and tissues of the mouth to over relax as well.

5.) Avoid dairy products at least a couple hours before sleeping. Dairy products cause mucus build up. Mucus build up clogs the nasal passages and makes it difficult to breath. Clogging the nasal passages can cause snoring.

6.) Try doing throat, mouth and tongue exercises for snoring and sleep apnea. These special, but simple, exercises help strengthen the tongue and tissues so they do not over relax.

7.) Try doing tongue, throat and mouth exercises designed for snoring and sleep apnea. These unique exercises help build up strength in the tongue and tissues. This helps keep the tongue and tissues from falling into the airway.

These are a few simple methods that may help. It depends on the person if they work or not. Try some of these and I hope they work.

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